We standardize on PromoStandards

Through PromoStandards API, we are connected to various Suppliers and Decorators which allows one-click product setup on the stores, real-time ordering, order status and shipment notifications.

RubikX Webstores Platform

Modern, Scalable and most tailored and adaptable platform for the Promotional Products Industry

Demo Store

SOC2 Type 2 Certified

RubiKX eCommerce platform is SOC2 Type 2 certified. 

We take our customer's data privacy and security seriously and have ensured 

our practices and technology is certified by an independent auditor.

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Our Vision

Autonomous connected supply chain for the Promotional Products Industry

Our Mission

Accelerate Digital Transformation for Distributors through Innovation at Scale.

Our Commitment

Service par-excellence by providing every distributor with their own store platform, custom and tailored to meet their needs.

Live Inventory

Order what you can get. No more back orders & refunds.

Purchase orders direct to Suppliers/Decorators

Direct integration with vendors using Promo Standards APIs enables Purchase Orders to be submitted in real-time ensuring timely fulfillment.

We also support variety of integrations (API or otherwise) with systems such as NetSuite, Quickbooks and more.

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Live Order Status & Shipment Notifications

End-to-End visibility of your order processing workflow in near real-time. 

Promo Standards API
2Ship, Ship Station..
3PL (Custom APIs)
Domestic & International
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Punchout Catalog Integrations.

Streamlined end-to-end ordering for larger organizations

Book a Demo, today.

45 min session

Trust us, would be well worth it.